Welcome, Piano Teachers!
Thank you for visiting my website.
Click on the links below for my most popular resources or use the contact button to reach out to me directly.
I wish you all the best in your teaching.
How to Evaluate an Intermediate Repertoire Series - my Guide to help you find the perfect books to use with your intermediate students
How to Evaluate Repertoire Difficulty - my Repertoire Difficulty Worksheet to help you evaluate the difficulty of individual pieces
30 Practice Strategies to Make Your Students Invincible Under Pressure - practice techniques that you and your students can use once a piece is learned to be truly prepared for a recital, an exam, a festival, a competition, an audition, or any other performance.
7 Ways To Make Scales Sound Great - 7 practice techniques I use with my intermediate and advanced students to improve scales and other fast passagework in their repertoire.
My YouTube channel - performance videos as well as help for teachers - see playlists below ⤵️
Method to Masterworks - A spreadsheet and video helping you smoothly make the transition from the method book to intermediate repertoire: $7
The Bach Leveler - your guide to understanding the difficulty of Bach’s pieces for piano students: $7
Preparing Confident Performers Course - Train your students to transfer what they learn in lessons and practice at home to the stage so they can share their music with confidence, security, and joy: $179
Teaching Historical Style Course - Improve your understanding of historical style and learn practical ways to help your students play artistically: $69
⭐ NEW! ⭐ Taking Off the Training Wheels Course - get answers to the most frequent questions about intermediate piano teaching: $29
Patreon Membership - Join Janna on Patreon and get access to exclusive piano teacher workshops as well as Ask Me Anything video content.
Presentations available for Music Teachers Associations - MTA’s interested in hearing me speak can preview topics here.
My Teacher Consultation Service - Consult with me and receive fresh inspiration and helpful feedback on concerns for your piano studio
Janna has been featured on the following:
All Keyed Up Podcast: episode titled Janna Williamson: Teaching Intermediate Students
Melody Payne Music for a Lifetime Blog: guest posts titled
Piano Pantry Podcast:
episodes 143 titled Adjudicating Advice with Janna Williamson
episode 38 titled Ingredients for Effective Intermediate Teaching
episode 15 titled Teacher Talk with Joy, Janna, and Christina
Piano Parent Podcast:
episode 274 titled Janna Williamson Talks About Our Historic Heritage of Piano Music
episode 247 titled Teacher Chat YouTube Videos with Clinton Pratt and Janna Williamson
Piece By Piece series within the TopMusicPro membership as well as various other TMP resources, including
episode 303 of the Integrated Music Teaching Podcast: Integrated Music Teaching in Action