How To Teach Mozart Sonata in B-flat Major K.570
Today we’re discussing how to teach the lyrical Sonata in B-flat Major, K.570 by Mozart. While it is more mature than the K.545, it is still within reach for upper intermediate or early advanced students.
How To Teach Burgmüller Arabesque
Today we’re discussing how to teach the ever-popular Arabesque Op.100, No.2 by Johann Friedrich Burgmüller. Students love playing this fast etude; however, teachers are often tired of this piece due to subpar student performances. Check out the video below to hear my impersonation of a typical student performance!
To that end, I also demonstrated specific practice techniques to prevent or rehabilitate typical problems.
How to Teach Kabalevsky Song Op.27, No.2
Today, we’re discussing how to teach Song Op.27, No. 2 from Kabalevsky's Thirty Pieces for Children. Kabalevsky once wrote that all pedagogical music could be categorized as song, dance, and march. This piece is a wonderful example of a beautiful song written for students.
Check out my workshop about Kabalevsky here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/replay-friends-114442043
How to Teach Debussy The Girl with the Flaxen Hair
Today we’re talking about how to teach Debussy’s Prelude subtitled Girl with the Flaxen Hair (La fille aux cheveux de lin in French). This beautiful piece can be deceptively tough, so be sure to watch the part of the video where I discuss the essentials for students working on Debussy.
How To Teach Bach Invention No.8
Today in our How To Teach Intermediate Piano Repertoire series we are looking at Bach’s Invention No.8 in F Major. I prefer to teach this as my student’s first invention, unless I feel Invention No.1 is more suitable.
To view my video covering the Invention No.1, please click here.
To view my video covering the Invention No.13, please click here.
To view my video covering the Invention No.14, please click here.
Janna's Favorites 2024
Amazon Prime Days are July 16-17, 2024!
Here is a quick compilation of items that I have particularly enjoyed in my studio in the past year. Let me know in the comments what your 2024 favorites have been!
How to Teach Beethoven Sonatina in G Major
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Sonatina in G Major by Ludwig van Beethoven. This piece seems easy, but contains several technical skills and valuable learning objectives.
How to Teach Heller Avalanche
Today we’re talking about how to teach The Avalanch Op.45, No.2 by Stephen Heller. This dramatic 19th-century etude has some real technical challenges but is otherwise easy to learn, and it’s very fun to play!
7 Ways To Make Scales Sound Great
Piano repertoire is full of scale patterns and other “runny” passagework. Often these parts of pieces are the most fun and exciting to play. However, they can also be difficult to get up to tempo or play reliably under pressure.
Do your students ever struggle to play their scale passagework accurately? fast enough? clearly? or with beautiful tone?
How to Teach Schubert Impromptu
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Impromptu in E-flat Major Op.90/D.899, No.2 by Franz Schubert. This is a well-loved piece containing many scale patterns.
How to Teach Duncombe Sonatina
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Sonatina in C Major by William Duncombe. This is a little piece which packs a lot of pedagogical punch and is a great exercise in duple and triple divisions.
How to Teach Gurlitt Etude Op.82, No.65
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Etude Op.82, No.65 by Cornelius Gurlitt, often given descriptive titles such as “Night Journey.” This is an evocative etude in left-hand melody.
How to Teach Schytte Little Etude
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Little Etude in A Minor by Ludvig Schytte, aka Petite Prelude or “The Harp” by Ludvig Schytte. This is an etude in broken chords that provides a wonderful opportunity for integrating theory knowledge and applying creative extensions.
Seven Benefits of (Quality) Performance
When preparing for an upcoming recital or other piano studio performance event, it can be very tempting to ask, “Is this worth it?”
I saw a post this week in a Facebook piano teachers' forum where a teacher asked this question, lamenting how much lesson time she was spending on recital pieces. Of course, we know there’s all kinds of additional time needed outside of lessons to plan and prepare too!
I have had this feeling so many times. The weeks leading up to an important studio performance can be brutal, making you question your planning decisions!
So - is all of that work really worth it?
How to Teach Schytte Deep Singer
Today we’re talking about how to teach Deep Singer Op.108, No.12 by Ludvig Schytte. This is an etude in left-hand melody which shows up in many books, both elementary methods as well as historical repertoire series.
How to Teach Haydn Sonata in F
Today we’re talking about how to teach the first movement of Haydn’s Sonata in F Major Hob.XVI:23. This is a fantastic example of a well-crafted sonata movement for early advanced students and is great preparation for advanced works by not only Haydn but also Beethoven.
How to Teach Petzold Minuet in G
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Minuet in G Major BWV Anh.114 by Christian Petzold, formerly attributed to JS Bach. This is a very familiar piece composed in basic counterpoint which shows up in many books, both elementary methods as well as intermediate repertoire series.
How to Teach Rebikov The Bear
Today we’re talking about how to teach The Bear by Vladimir Rebikov. This is a great example of a late elementary/early intermediate piece that evocatively uses 20th-century idioms like the whole tone scale and the interval of a tritone.
How to Teach Leopold Mozart Minuet
Today we’re talking about how to teach the Minuet in F Major by Leopold Mozart. This is a late elementary/early intermediate Baroque piece found within the Piano Adventures curriculum.
How to Teach Graupner Bourée
Today we’re talking about how to teach Bourée in E Minor GWV 827 by Christoph Graupner. This is an early intermediate Baroque piece found within the Piano Adventures curriculum.