How To Teach Mozart Sonata in B-flat Major K.570

Today we’re discussing how to teach the lyrical first movement of Mozart’s Sonata in B-flat Major, K.570. While it is more mature than the K.545, it is still within reach for upper intermediate or early advanced students.


Syllabus listings for difficulty level:


Required knowledge/skills for the video below:

  • Early advanced skill; experience with easier sonatas and difficult sonatinas

  • Students should already understand sonata form

  • Comfort with B-flat major (and F major); several accidentals; accuracy is so important in Mozart!

  • Ease of technique - effortless scale passages and many opportunities for rotation

  • RH rotation in passagework and trills

  • LH rotation in Alberti patterns

  • Slurs in the first theme and connection to violin articulation markings

  • Lovely development! Conversational; mysterious minor explorations


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