How To Teach Burgmüller Arabesque

Today we’re discussing how to teach the ever-popular Arabesque Op.100, No.2 by Johann Friedrich Burgmüller. Students love playing this fast etude; however, teachers are often tired of this piece due to subpar student performances. Check out the video below to hear my impersonation of a typical student performance!

To that end, I also demonstrated specific practice techniques to prevent or rehabilitate typical problems.


This piece is a great example of a historical repertoire selection found within method books. Have you checked out "Method to Masterworks" yet? It’s your guide to smoothly transitioning your student from a method series into intermediate repertoire.


Syllabus listings for difficulty level:


Required knowledge and skills:

  • A minor and C Major chords and scale patterns

  • Eighth-note and sixteenth-note rhythmic patterns

  • Varied articulation between the hands

  • Dynamics and sforzandos

  • Several vocabulary terms: leggiero, ritardando, dolce, risoluto

  • Clean and clear technique


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    How to Teach Kabalevsky’s Song Op.27, No.2